PSQL Restore Dump

This will create 2 containers postgres-db and postgres-copy, db is the database and copy is a volitile container used to copy your mydump.sql file to a volumn, from there the db container will have access to it.

Download latest image and spin up

From powershell run.ps1

Create some tables / data

This step is not needed if you already have a dump file

Connect with any editor (PgAdmin, Dbeaver) to localhost:5432 with username postgres and password postgres then add some data to be used with the dump

CREATE TABLE public.staff_master ( id serial NOT NULL, first_name text, surname text, email text, insert_date date, salary real, CONSTRAINT employee_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id));
INSERT INTO public.staff_master (first_name, surname, email, insert_date, salary) VALUES ('carl psql', 'my surname', '', NOW(), 0);

Create interactive session

From powershell docker exec -it postgres-db bash

cd dump

This should then reflect the file you copied mydump.sql

You can also CAT mydump.sql but if its large your pc may fall on its head.

Dump something to test with from ‘postgres’

This step is not needed if you already have a dump file

From powershell pg_dump -U postgres -v -Fc postgres -f /dump/mydump.dump


You should now see mydump.dump and mydump.sql where the dump file is the one you just created

Create ‘mydb’

From powershell psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE mydb OWNER = postgres TABLESPACE pg_default;"

Restore dump

From powershell pg_restore -U postgres -d mydb < /dump/mydump.dump



Alternative Copy

If the file is massive you can try this method to copy

docker cp mydump.sql bd2f2aae3b84:/dump/mydump.sql

.. where bd2f2aae3b84 is the name of your container which you can get by running docker ps --all

You can then check the files on the container with ls -l --block-size=M