In an effort to assist my own Continual Professional Development (CPD) I setup this blog using simple markdown files and hexo blogging framework.
The intended use is to document for my own personal reference but also to share knowledge around my career path being Software Development. I started doing this on Linked-In however only people with Linked-In accounts can view the articles; this limits knowledge sharing and forces people to sign up. I hope with Microsoft’s recent transformation towards open source this will change.
I use plenty open source / free tools & technologies every day, this blog and the code I upload to Github is my way of giving back to the online development community. I’ve create an open source category, I hope in time others will collaborate with me. Some projects are useful, others are just to have a hoon with a new language, library or pattern.
A simlar code kata
type category I use is rosetta code this is pretty much a hey heres a problem
and heres some ways
to solve it. I get distracted easily so I also have the Work In Progress (WIP) category to keep track of things I start and need to finish / research. It keeps me honest and helps with my forgetfulness :)
Not all of the ideas, code or learning resources I publish are my own and I always give credit where its due by citation, comment or hyperlink. I consider anybody that publishes code online for learning/sharing, does online learning (paid or free) a legend and influencer. All of the people on my list have motivated, influenced and shaped my software development career. Thank you <3
I am married to the most amazing woman and we dedicate all the time we have to raising our son in the most amazing country in the world, New Zealand. My hobbies are software development, radio controlled model airplanes and wood working.
Always happy to spin a yarn please reach out to me on any of the following platforms: