As a pre cursor Install GRBL On Arduino Uno
Windows Host Steps
- Pop the SD card into a reader and connect to the PC using USB
- Download Raspberry Pi Imager
- Open Raspberry Pi Imager and install
Raspberry Pi OS 32
on the USB using Raspberry Pi Imager
I customised the installation and ran the install
- hostname
- user
- configured wireless LAN and set country to
Pi4 Steps
After the install pop the SD card into the Pi, plug the Pi into a screen, keyboard & mouse. Then power it on and login.
- Update the Pi with
sudo apt-get update
andsudo apt-get dist-upgrade
- run
sudo apt update
- run
sudo apt install default-jdk
- Reboot the Pi
Additionally under config enable SSH, this mean you can then SFTP files to the Pi.
Some forms suggested to run sudo raspi-config
and setting Display Options
-> GL Driver
-> Full KMS
(external screen) but mine just worked so I left it.
Install Java and download UGS
- Run
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
- Download UGS from selecting
Linnux ARM64
- Extract the content from the
, I just put it on the desktop - Navigate to
and right click onugsplatform
and selectExecute in Terminal
(it took a while to load)
Configure GRBL
From UGS console I then set the GRBL settings, these save to the Arduino UNO, you can view the current settings with $$
, I documented the GRBL Settings For My IndyMill Build here.
Configure UGS Macros
This is under Macros, for me it was the bottom left window (Also See GRBL Settings For My IndyMill Build)
Far Corner
This moves the head up and to the far right corner
1 | Name Far Corner |
Unpacking to understand the commands:
1 | $21=1; ~ ensure limit switches are enabled, could be overkill, meh |
I also set my x/y max travel high enough for the head to travel corner to corner, see Rates, Acceleration, Max Travel
Probe zero
I got these from this video and they worked for me
1 | Name Probe zero |
Unpacking to understand the commands:
The second to last G92 Z5
, the 5 is 5mm, thats the thickness of my probe block.