The IHttpContextAccessor Interface Provides access to the current HttpContext, if one is available.
Example code to test
A common usage is a correlation id which is a unique identifier thats attached to requests/messages across distributed systems to reference to a particular transaction or event chain.
Note that IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor would have been inject by the framework.
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public Guid GetCorrelationId() { var correlationId = _httpContextAccessor // defensive coding could also be added to check for the existance of _httpContextAccessor .HttpContext .Request .Headers.FirstOrDefault(header => header.Key.Equals( "My-Cool-Correlation-Id", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) .Value .ToString();
if (Guid.TryParse(correlationId, outvar parsedValue)) { return parsedValue; }
return Guid.NewGuid(); // Create new if one was not present }
Example unit test
The key is to simply mock out the chain one node at a time so the test is easy to read - you can do this in one .Setup but it will be harder to read/maintain.
The ticky bit is to use new HeaderDictionary(new Dictionary<string, StringValues> for the headers, its a dictionary of dictionaries \ :D /
[Fact] publicvoidGetCorrelationId_WhenHeaderContainsCorrelationId_ReturnIt() { // Arrange var expected = Guid.NewGuid(); var headers = new HeaderDictionary(new Dictionary<string, StringValues> { { "My-Cool-Correlation-Id", expected.ToString() } }); var httpRequestMock = new Mock<HttpRequest>(); var httpContextAccessorMock = new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>();