Raspberry Pi Cluster Setup OS

Updated: 29/09/2020

I tried to keep the Operating System (OS) setup separate from the Pi Posts else they would be duplicated.


There are a few distributions that work on the Pi, the most common is Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian). A lot of configuration options still use the terminology raspbian.

For clusters I mostly use Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite which is a minimal image based on Debian Buster, its then mannaged though SSH.

I have used Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop and retropie just to have a hoon.


As I only have two Raspberry Pi 4 Model B’s I set them up as:

  • node1 (master node)
  • node3 (worker node)

OS Steps (For Cluster)

  1. Download Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite - 2020-08-20-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.
  2. Install on SD cards with Etcher or any flashing utility.
  3. Pop in the SD Cards and boot the Pi, allow disk expand and wait for the OS to figure out its life.
  4. Once at the terminal login as user pi and password raspberry. Probably best to update your passwords, meh.
  5. Run sudo raspi-config
  • Config country (4. Localisation Options)
  • Rename the Pi’s (2. Network Options)
  • Setup Wifi (2. Network Options)
  • SSH (5. Interfacing Options). Then finally reboot.
  1. Install additional software, you dont actually need git unless you plan to pull down nginx-pi-demo and build it yourself.

The other software is just common things I install and use in other posts.

sudo apt-get install git nmap python-mpi4py keychain ansible
